Alimony vs Divorce Allowance

The divorce allowance is the potential obligation of one of the spouses to pay the other one a sum of money, either periodically or in a lump sum, determined by the Court on the basis of legal criteria, as a legal consequence of the divorce. The legislation of divorce is set forth by Law no. […]

Online Defamation

Defamation under Italian Law Italian Criminal Code regulates the crime of defamation as an act that brings offence to reputation or the honour of the offended individual. Nowadays, defamation is acquiring wider importance due to social media presence and their capacity to bring a defamatory message to hundreds of thousands of people. Furthermore, in the […]

New legislative proposals on Law on shared custody (DDL Pillon)

One of the most discussed bills deposited in the first months of the 18th-century aims to radically reform various Italian family law institutions. From the first reading of the bill, it is clear the attempt to overcome the results obtained from legislative and jurisprudential evolution concerning the protection of the “best interest of the child”.The bill concentrates […]

Child protection in Family Mediation

Mediation in Family matters is an alternative way of resolving disputes used in the family context, which is notoriously characterized by emotional and psychological related claims, which are difficult to be effectively managed in separation or divorce proceedings. In the Italian legal system, with the introduction of art. 155-sexies of the Civil Code. (now article 337-octies […]