Harmful Donations of Legitimate Share and Action for Reduction

The principle of testamentary freedom stands as a cornerstone in the law of succession, yet it must be balanced with the need to ensure that at least a portion of the estate is allocated to the closest family nucleus. In this regard, the law reserves for a specific category of “successors” a share of the […]
Separation and Divorce with a Single Petition

Under the new Article 473 bis.49 of the Italian Civil Procedure Code (c.p.c.), parties initiating personal separation proceedings can also request dissolution or cessation of civil effects of marriage and related matters. This innovation applies to contentious marital crisis resolutions. The Court of Cassation ruled (Judgment No. 28727, October 16, 2023) that spouses can jointly […]
Understanding the Impact of Donations on Inheritance

Donations made during one’s lifetime can significantly affect the distribution of inheritance, particularly for legal heirs such as spouses, children, and parents. While giving a donation may seem like an act of generosity, it can also serve as a strategic means for the donor to advance the distribution of their estate, potentially bypassing the need […]
Navigating the Complexities of Marital Infidelity

Understanding what constitutes infidelity in a marriage is crucial, as it carries legal and emotional implications. Physical infidelity, involving sexual encounters outside the marriage, is universally acknowledged as cheating. This encompasses intimate acts like kissing, caressing, or any form of physical intimacy. Even long-distance interactions via webcams fall under this category. Emotional infidelity, characterized by […]
Are Private Investigator Photos Admissible Evidence in Court?

The admissibility of private investigator photographs as evidence in court has become a pertinent question in legal circles. With the increasing reliance on investigative agencies to gather evidence of marital infidelity or employee misconduct, the value of photos captured by hired detectives has come under scrutiny. But do these photos hold weight as evidence in […]