Cartabia Reform: Monetary Penalties for Missed Parenting Time

Cartabia Reform Monetary Penalties for Missed Parenting Time

A distinctive provision within the family law reform, known as the Cartabia Reform, introduces a noteworthy change concerning missed parenting time. The focus is on Article 473 bis no.39 of the Civil Procedure Code, addressing “measures in cases of non-compliance and violations,” accessible to any citizen, even online. This provision enhances and broadens the existing […]

Premarital Cohabitation’s Impact on Divorce Alimony Determination

Premarital Cohabitation's Impact on Divorce Alimony Determination

In a significant legal development (refer to attached case no. 35385/2023), the United Sections of the Cassation Court have underscored the importance of factoring premarital cohabitation into divorce alimony calculations. This ruling asserts that when a sustained connection exists between the “de facto” phase of cohabitation and the “legal” phase of marriage, the duration of […]

Can a Non-Resident Parent Have Joint Custody?

Can a Non-Resident Parent Have Joint Custody

Can a non-resident parent who does not live in Italy have the right to joint custody of their children, or should exclusive custody be applied? When parents separate, arrangements must be made for the custody of minor children. According to the law, the offspring should continue to have contact with both parents, taking into account […]

Understanding the Legal Concept of ‘Addebito’ in Spousal Separation

Understanding the Legal Concept of 'Addebito' in Spousal Separation

The concept of “addebito” in the separation of spouses is akin to assigning “blame” to one of the parties for the failure of the marriage. When two people marry, they commit to basic rules, such as fidelity, mutual assistance, and living together under the same roof. If one spouse violates these rules, leading to the […]

Revoking a Will: Navigating the Withdrawal Process

Revoking a Wil

A will is the document through which a person can dictate the distribution of their estate after their passing. For its validity, specific formal requirements must be observed. Another fundamental aspect is that a will is always revocable: the testator can reconsider and nullify what was previously written. This brings us to the issue of […]