Understanding Paternity Disavowal: A Legal Overview

Understanding Paternity Disavowal A Legal Overview

Discovering that one is not the biological father of a child, previously believed to be one’s own, allows for paternity disavowal, absolving all paternal responsibilities. How does the process of paternity disavowal work? What evidence must be presented to the court to demonstrate a physical relationship between the mother and another individual? In general, the […]

Understanding Home Return in Separation: Legal Guidelines

Understanding Home Return in Separation Legal Guidelines

In the realm of separation with children, the assignment of the right to reside in the marital home, a measure undertaken solely in such cases, is not perpetual. This right ceases when its intended purpose concludes – ensuring that the offspring can continue to grow in the same domestic environment without enduring additional traumas beyond the dissolution of […]

Navigating Home Allocation Amid Separation: Legal Insights

Navigating Home Allocation Amid Separation Legal Insights

In the realm of legal intricacies following separation, one of the most sensitive matters is the allocation of the marital home. Understanding how and when this allocation occurs can prevent unpleasant surprises. Here, we provide a clear guide to comprehend the right of habitation – what it is, who is granted it, its duration, and […]

Calculating Legitimate Portion: Protecting Inheritance Rights

Calculating Legitimate Portion Protecting Inheritance Rights

In the realm of inheritance law, the “legitimate portion” constitutes the share of the deceased’s estate reserved by law for their closest family, known as “legitimate heirs“. When a legitimate heir suspects that their rightful share has been compromised by testamentary dispositions or lifetime gifts from the deceased (de cuius), it becomes crucial to calculate […]

Intestate Succession: Understanding Legal Heirs

Intestate Succession Understanding Legal Heirs

In the event of a family member’s demise, the intricate process of succession unfolds to identify heirs and allocate their respective shares. When no will is present, the Italian Civil Code governs this distribution. This article delves into the identification and rights of legal heirs in case of death, emphasizing the distinctions between legal heirs […]