Navigating Inheritance and Parental Gifts: Legal Implications

Inheritance and Parental Gifts

Personal financial autonomy has boundaries, especially in parental gifts. Italian law ensures a non-negotiable portion of inheritance for family members, even against wills. This raises concerns about parents favoring one child with financial assistance. Such preferences can hinder other heirs’ rights, highlighting the issue of equity. Imagine one child receiving significant financial support while others […]

Does marriage duration affect alimony?

Does marriage duration affect alimony

Have you wondered about the connection between marriage duration and alimony in cases of separation and divorce? This topic prompts crucial questions. Does a short-lived marriage entitle the lower-earning spouse to post-divorce financial support? How does the judge weigh marriage duration? Are there legal guidelines? Insights from Italy’s Court of Cassation shed light. Alimony applies […]

Rules for Succession

Rules for Succession what you need to know

Who inherits with or without a will, legitimate heirs and heirs entitled to a portion, payment of debts left by the deceased: what you need to know. To know exactly who will receive your assets when you have passed away, you need to understand the rules of inheritance. In this article, we will explain what […]

Children heard in separation proceedings

Children heard in separation proceedings

In separation proceedings, children can be heard by the judge if they are 12 years old or older, or if they are considered “capable of discernment.” The hearing is conducted in a private and age-appropriate setting, ensuring calmness and confidentiality. Parents undergoing a separation procedure often worry about how their children will be involved. They […]

Child support – extraordinary expenses

Child support - extraordinary expenses

Child support is a common source of conflict in separated or divorced couples. While regular expenses are typically included in the monthly support payment, the issue arises when it comes to extraordinary expenses that cannot be predicted in advance. Often, one parent covers these costs without consulting the other, leading to disputes over reimbursement. To […]