Inheritance and Legal Implications of Lifetime Loans: A Comprehensive Overview

Inheritance and Legal Implications of Lifetime Loans A Comprehensive Overview

Can loans given during one’s lifetime be contested by heirs to ensure the funds return to the estate? How does this differ from donations? According to the law, a donation is essentially an advance on the inheritance, requiring recipients to deduct gifted assets from their future inheritance share. This prompts the question of whether money […]

Legal Update: Simultaneous Separation and Divorce Allowed

Legal Update Simultaneous Separation and Divorce Allowed

In a significant decision, the Court of Cassation, dated October 16, 2023, permits parties to simultaneously file separation and divorce claims, even in cases initiated by the parties themselves. This ruling arises from amendments in the recent “Cartabia” Reform. Following Legislative Decree No. 149/2022, the court clarified that parties can now concurrently present separation and […]

Separation Blame for a Single Episode of Violence: Legal Implications

Separation Blame for a Single Episode of Violence Legal Implications

Separation Blame for a Single Episode of Violence: Legal Implications The Court of Cassation (Cassazione) recently ruled that both physical and moral violence by one spouse constitute such severe violations of marital duties that they can lead not only to a separation but also to the attribution of blame. The court held that these actions […]

Legal Implications of WhatsApp Messages in Adultery Cases

Legal Implications of WhatsApp Messages in Adultery Cases

In a recent case before the Macerata Tribunal, the question arose: Are WhatsApp messages considered infidelity, leading to separation blame? The article explores this issue, considering the blurred boundaries of infidelity in today’s digital communication era. How Does Separation Blame Work? Separation blame, or “addebito,” is the assignment of responsibility for the end of a marriage, […]

Dementia’s Impact on Testament Validity

Dementias Impact on Testament Validity

In the context of Italian jurisprudence, the article explores the legal ramifications of conditions like Parkinson’s and senile dementia on the capacity to comprehend and intend when creating a will. As the elderly population grows, understanding how dementia influences testament validity becomes crucial. Mental Capacity and Wills: What are the Criteria? The validity of a will […]