Duration of Marriage and Alimony

Duration of Marriage and Alimony

The duration of marriage can impact alimony in cases of separation and divorce. The Court of Cassation has shed light on this matter, addressing whether a short-lived marriage entitles the lower-earning spouse to financial support after separation. Alimony is awarded upon separation and replaced by divorce alimony upon divorce. The criteria for calculating these measures […]

Italian Supreme Court: ex-wife loses alimony due to luxurious spending.

Italian Supreme Court: ex-wife loses alimony due to luxurious spending.

In compliance with the 2018 Joint Sections ruling, the monthly divorce allowance of 100 euros granted to the ex-spouse has been revoked due to her unnecessary expenses, as shown in the account statements. The ex-wife loses the divorce allowance of 100 euros awarded to her in the first instance and then revoked on appeal, as […]

Short marriage: is separation/divorce allowance due?

Short marriage is separationdivorce allowance due

Short marriage: is separation/divorce allowance due? In the case of a short marriage with no children, is separation/divorce allowance still due? The question may seem obvious, and at first you might be tempted to answer: definitely not. But in reality, things are not so simple and the judgement to be made is a little more […]

Child abduction abroad

Child abduction abroad The crime of child abduction and detention abroad, Article 574 bis of the Criminal Code, provides two different procedures for the return of a child depending on whether the state to which the child has been taken has acceded to the Hague Convention or not. The article states as follows, “Unless the […]