Compensation awarded to former wife for husband’s stalking

Compensation awarded to former wife for husband's stalking

The Italian Court of Cassation, in its decision no. 26182/2022, confirms the order to pay compensation of 18,000 euros in favour of the former wife, victim of stalking, issued at first instance and then confirmed on appeal. The defendant is convicted in the first instance for the offence of aggravated house-breaking, for the offence of […]

Violation of parental rights is a criminal offence

Violation of parental rights is a criminal offence

To prevent the former spouse from spending holidays with daughter is a criminal offence Conviction for the mother who went out of her way and organised herself to prevent her daughter from spending the month-long holiday recognised by the judge with her father. The child was evidently instrumentalised in her parents’ divorce proceedings, so much […]

Italian defamation and social media

Italian defamation and social media Italian Defamation offence occurs when anyone, by communicating with other people, causes damages to the honour or reputation of others. In such case, the offence is implemented within art. 595 Criminal Code and the penalty is fines or imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year. However, in the event […]