Child protection in Family Mediation

Mediation in Family matters is an alternative way of resolving disputes used in the family context, which is notoriously characterized by emotional and psychological related claims, which are difficult to be effectively managed in separation or divorce proceedings. In the Italian legal system, with the introduction of art. 155-sexies of the Civil Code. (now article 337-octies […]
Italian Court on overnights with the father

On September the 5th, the Court of Trieste disregarded the requests of a mother who, while not questioning the shared custody of the child, did not want the minor to spend the nights with the other parent, until the minor would be four years old. In detail, according to the judges, the child custody must […]
Recognition of a foreign divorce

According to the conclusion of the Advocate General of the Court of Justice of the European Union, a final judgement of divorce has validity in Italy even if proceedings are pending.Nevertheless, continues the Advocate General, the judge must always verify not only that the judgement does not violate the fundamental rights and the public order principle, […]