Child Custody and Placement: Understanding the Difference

In the aftermath of parents’ separation, how does child custody work, and what are the benefits of placement? Despite parents parting ways, the principle of “joint parenting” mandates that children continue to spend time with both parents. However, the time distribution can vary. Understanding the distinction between child custody and placement becomes crucial. Key Points: […]
Italian Law: Divorce and Remarriage Guidelines

Italian Law: Divorce and Remarriage Guidelines Can divorced couples remarry immediately? What does widowhood mourning involve? What happens if the temporary ban on new marriages is disregarded? This article clarifies these aspects, emphasizing the distinction between separation and divorce. Separation and divorce are often confused. Only divorce restores single status, allowing new relationships. This prompts […]
Legal Update: Simultaneous Separation and Divorce Allowed

In a significant decision, the Court of Cassation, dated October 16, 2023, permits parties to simultaneously file separation and divorce claims, even in cases initiated by the parties themselves. This ruling arises from amendments in the recent “Cartabia” Reform. Following Legislative Decree No. 149/2022, the court clarified that parties can now concurrently present separation and […]
Separation Blame for a Single Episode of Violence: Legal Implications

Separation Blame for a Single Episode of Violence: Legal Implications The Court of Cassation (Cassazione) recently ruled that both physical and moral violence by one spouse constitute such severe violations of marital duties that they can lead not only to a separation but also to the attribution of blame. The court held that these actions […]
Legal Implications of WhatsApp Messages in Adultery Cases

In a recent case before the Macerata Tribunal, the question arose: Are WhatsApp messages considered infidelity, leading to separation blame? The article explores this issue, considering the blurred boundaries of infidelity in today’s digital communication era. How Does Separation Blame Work? Separation blame, or “addebito,” is the assignment of responsibility for the end of a marriage, […]