Responsibilities of an aggressive Spouse

Responsibilities of a Miserly Stingy and Aggressive Spouse In cases of marital separation, behaviors such as excessive parsimony and aggression may lead to blame, according to a recent ruling by the Cassation Court. The ordinance (n. 31827, 15.11.2023) serves as an example, emphasizing that these actions can constitute a violation of marital duties, justifying blame […]
When is the separation charge for cheating imposed?

When is the separation charge for cheating imposed? Anyone who does not respect the duty of fidelity that comes with marriage, either because he or she has a ‘physical’ relationship with another person outside the couple, or because he or she maintains a virtual relationship with this person (via chat on social networks, via WhatsApp, […]
Does premarital cohabitation weigh against divorce allowance?

Does premarital cohabitation weigh against divorce allowance Marriage and de facto cohabitation have equal social dignity, it therefore makes no sense, when quantifying the divorce allowance, to disregard the duration of the premarital union. It is up to the Italian Supreme Court to assess the relevance of the duration of pre-marital cohabitation on the quantification […]
No alimony for short marriage

No alimony for short marriage If the marriage has not lasted long and the spouse is young and working, then in the event of a divorce, alimony may be not assigned. According to the recent ruling of the Italian Supreme Court, the factors to be considered in order to recognize the assignment of alimony to […]
The consequences of divorce

The consequences of divorce Once the divorce judgement has been issued this is recorded in the Civil Registry of the place where the marriage was registered and it becomes effective between the former spouses. The main effect of divorce is the dissolution of the marriage bond. Although in case of religious marriage while the termination […]