Parental agreements on child maintenance: are they valid?

Parental agreements on child maintenance

Parental agreements on child maintenance: are they valid? When two parents split up, it is necessary to come to an agreement regarding the children. Custody, maintenance, choosing the house in which they will live: these are just some of the many aspects that need to be taken into account to protect minor children, who are […]

Parental neglect of children: what is at risk?

Parental neglect of children what is at risk

Parental neglect of children: what is at risk? Nowadays, there are also fathers and mothers who seriously neglect their children: they do not educate them, do not support them, do not provide for their needs and sometimes abandon them completely. In the face of such behaviour, morality is not enough and the law must intervene, […]

What obligations do the heirs have towards the deceased’s ex-wife?

Obligations of the heirs towards the deceased's ex-wife

What obligations do the heirs have towards the deceased’s ex-wife? The ex-spouse remains the heir of the deceased only if the following two conditions are met: the divorce must not have taken place yet; the separation decree must not have declared the surviving spouse to be charged.   Thus, the separated spouse is not only […]

Custody in dispute, if father fights with new partner

Custody in dispute

Custody in dispute, if father fights with new partner The placement of the minor child with the father must be monitored and reviewed in light of the petition in which the parent points out that the former spouse’s relationship with the new partner is conflictual and violent. The Supreme Court in Order No. 30160/2022 upheld […]

Supreme Court: Husband must also be guaranteed the same standard of living

Husband must also be guaranteed the same standard of living

Supreme Court: Husband must also be guaranteed the same standard of living A man who, prior to separation for years, devoted himself to his disabled son, followed him in his activities and devoted himself to the home, putting aside his work, must be allowed to maintain the same standard of living. In the context of […]