Revoking a Will: Navigating the Withdrawal Process

Revoking a Wil

A will is the document through which a person can dictate the distribution of their estate after their passing. For its validity, specific formal requirements must be observed. Another fundamental aspect is that a will is always revocable: the testator can reconsider and nullify what was previously written. This brings us to the issue of […]

Calculating Legitimate Portion: Protecting Inheritance Rights

Calculating Legitimate Portion Protecting Inheritance Rights

In the realm of inheritance law, the “legitimate portion” constitutes the share of the deceased’s estate reserved by law for their closest family, known as “legitimate heirs“. When a legitimate heir suspects that their rightful share has been compromised by testamentary dispositions or lifetime gifts from the deceased (de cuius), it becomes crucial to calculate […]

Intestate Succession: Understanding Legal Heirs

Intestate Succession Understanding Legal Heirs

In the event of a family member’s demise, the intricate process of succession unfolds to identify heirs and allocate their respective shares. When no will is present, the Italian Civil Code governs this distribution. This article delves into the identification and rights of legal heirs in case of death, emphasizing the distinctions between legal heirs […]

Inheritance and Child Support: Are they Linked?

Inheritance and Child Support Are they Linked

Is a child entitled to a lesser share of the inheritance if they received more financial support during their parents’ lifetime? When it comes to inheritance, the law treats all children equally. Regardless of birth order, legitimacy, or adoption status, children have equal inheritance rights. However, this does not preclude parents from providing different levels […]

Inheritance Distribution When There Are No Children

Inheritance Distribution When There Are No Children

Inheritance Distribution When There Are No Children: Understanding Italian Law Inheritance Distribution When There Are No Children: Understanding Italian Law The passing of an individual without children raises the question of who will inherit their assets. If there’s a will, following the testator’s wishes resolves the matter, respecting the spousal and parental legitimate shares. Without […]