Inheritance and Legal Implications of Lifetime Loans: A Comprehensive Overview

Can loans given during one’s lifetime be contested by heirs to ensure the funds return to the estate? How does this differ from donations? According to the law, a donation is essentially an advance on the inheritance, requiring recipients to deduct gifted assets from their future inheritance share. This prompts the question of whether money […]
Dementia’s Impact on Testament Validity

In the context of Italian jurisprudence, the article explores the legal ramifications of conditions like Parkinson’s and senile dementia on the capacity to comprehend and intend when creating a will. As the elderly population grows, understanding how dementia influences testament validity becomes crucial. Mental Capacity and Wills: What are the Criteria? The validity of a will […]
Inherited Property: Essential Information

Accepting an Inherited Property Handling an inherited property involves various tasks, including registrations, transfers, compliance, and timing. Managing real estate assets can be challenging, particularly when multiple heirs are involved. Here’s an overview of essential considerations when dealing with an inherited house. Can You Refuse an Inherited Property? Inheritors typically cannot select specific assets; the […]
How to Divide a House Among Siblings

The division of an inherited estate among family members can often become quite complex. Disputes among co-heirs begin when determining the fate of real estate, with some wanting to sell it immediately and others wishing to keep the property but lacking the financial means to buy out the others. In this article, we will provide […]
What Happens If You Neither Accept nor Renounce an Inheritance?

What should you do if the heir does not accept or renounce the inheritance? How is the silence of the potential heir interpreted? By law, the acceptance of an inheritance must occur within 10 years. After this period, the right to inheritance acceptance becomes time-barred. However, there are no set time limits for renunciation. This […]