What Should a Holographic Will Contain?

The holographic will: complete guide and practical examples and facsimile. Those who want to make a will do not necessarily have to go to a notary. You can also do it yourself, at home, without the need for the assistance of a lawyer or witnesses. This is what is called a holographic will: “holographic” because […]
What Elements Can a Holographic Will Contain?

Tied: The testator can assign specific assets to certain people, called legatees. The latter are not responsible for the deceased’s assets unlike the heirs; conditions and burdens: the testator can condition the effectiveness of the provisions on the occurrence of certain events or the fulfillment of specific obligations by the beneficiaries; executor: the testator can […]
No Divorce Alimony Without Evidence: Court Ruling

On June 4, 2024, the Piacenza Court issued a significant ruling regarding the entitlement to divorce alimony, stating that a spouse must meet the burden of proof to qualify for such support. This decision underscores the importance of substantiating claims for financial assistance following the dissolution of marriage. The court determined that a request for […]
Inheritance of a House under a Separation of Assets: Who Inherits?

When spouses are married under a separation of assets regime, the inheritance of property upon the husband’s death follows specific rules, depending on whether a will exists. Intestate Succession (Without a Will)In the absence of a will, inheritance follows the Civil Code. If there are no children, the surviving spouse inherits the entire estate. If […]
Widow’s Will Without Children: Who Inherits the Estate?

When a widow without children creates a will, questions often arise about who inherits the estate. Specifically, it is important to determine whether certain relatives, like siblings or nephews, are entitled to inherit, or if the widow has complete freedom in designating beneficiaries. According to Italian law, a person may freely dispose of their assets […]