The advice of the Italian Data Protection Authority

The Italian Government has recently requested the advice of the Italian Data Protection Authority, on the possible impact the reform of the information on the electronic ID cards of minors could have.  Specifically, the reform is aimed to replace the word “parents” with that of “father” and “mother”.

The current legislation (inter-ministerial decree of 23 December 2015) provides, in fact, that only the words “parent 1” and “parent 2” are indicated on children’s national ID cards. Following the question of possible restoration of the previous wording, raised by the Ministery, the  Authority was asked to advice on the draft decree that would amend the current regime.

By way of an advice dated 31 October (measure no. 476/2018), the Data Protection Authority rejected the amendment, considering it critical in all those cases in which parental responsibility is taken by someone who does not correspond to the terminological specification of father and mother (e.g.: in the case of adoption).