Self-employment VISA

The visa for self-employment (USV or NV) allows the entry to Italy, for a short or long-term stay, for a fixed or an indefinite period, to the foreigner who intends to carry out a professional or work activity (industrial, craft, commercial) of a non-subordinate nature, o to set up a corporation or a company, or to gain access to corporate offices.
It can be granted only if the exercise of these activities is not reserved by law to Italian citizens, or citizens of one of the Member States of the European Union.
- The self-employer needs an authorization to work as well. If your activity needs subscribing to registers, you will need the relative authorizations from the competent authorities, for example from the Chamber of Commerce.
- The self-employers must he must prove that:
- He has adequate resources to carry out the activity in Italy;
- He meets the requirements set by the Italian law for the intended activity;
- He has the certification from the relevant authorities, dated no more than 3 months earlier;
- He has suitable accommodation and a sufficient year income.
- The documentation must be presented to the relevant Questura of the territory, which, if there are no impediments, will grant the nulla osta.
- The Italian diplomatic representation in the self-employer’s country, received the nulla osta, will issue the entry visa within 120 days.
- Within 6 months, the entry visa must be used to enter Italy.
- Within 8 days of arrival in Italy, the self-employer must apply for the residence permit.