Prevalent residence order of the child and limited visiting rights does not exclude shared custody

By judgement no. 22219/2018 the Italian Supreme Court has confirmed that, in the context of shared custody regime, it is possible to limit husband’s right to visit and ordering child’s prevalent residence at mother habitation. Italian legislation about shared custody does not exclude the prevalent residence of the child at one of spouses’ residence. In […]
Alimony payment increased if the spouse has a high annual income

Italian Supreme Court confirmed the existence of the wife’s right to maintain the standard of living enjoyed when she used to live with her partner. By judgement no. 9294/2018 the Court has confirmed the appeal outcome recognising spouses separation together with alimony and the assignment of the family house. The husband had challenged the Court […]
Family Home assigned to the former spouse with daughter studying in another city.

Italian Supreme Court has confirmed the legitimacy of its decision about the assignment of family house to the former spouse who lives with the daughter who studies in another city which has maintained a strong connection with the place of residence. In such case, the daughter was not economically independent. Then, Italian Court has recognised […]