Intercourse and marital duties

To have intercourse is among the marital duties, as confirmed by the Italian Supreme Court (order no. 4756/2017). Refusing to have sexual relations, therefore, constitutes a violation of the obligations of moral and material assistance provided for by the Italian Civil Code. In order for an infringement to be recognized a systematic refusal is necessary. […]
Divorce: if the spouse does not pay alimony

Art. 570 bis of the Italian Criminal Code takes into consideration the violations of duties regarding family care. In particular, article 570 bis provides that in case of unjustified non-payment of alimony, the non-paying spouse will be sanctioned with a fine between €103,00 and €1032,00 or with the imprisonment for up to 1 year. Article 570-bis constitutes one of […]
Limitation to husband’s rights to satisfy his sexual needs

According the Italian Supreme Court, a legitimate sexual intercourse between partners always requires both parties’ consent. In fact, marriage does not constitute per se a justification in order to claim a sexual intercourse. Judgement no. 46051/2018 states that “it does not exist an husband’s potestative right upon the fulfilment of his sexual instincts”. The case […]
Family Home assigned to the former spouse with daughter studying in another city.

Italian Supreme Court has confirmed the legitimacy of its decision about the assignment of family house to the former spouse who lives with the daughter who studies in another city which has maintained a strong connection with the place of residence. In such case, the daughter was not economically independent. Then, Italian Court has recognised […]
Registration of the birth certificate with two fathers

After the decision of the Court of Livorno, also the Court of Pisa has accepted the registration of the foreign certificate birth of a child born with two fathers. The child at issue was born in the US, in 2010 and his birth certificate, regularly registered in his municipality of residence, has been filled with […]